ManyStation (PC Only)

ManyStation is Windows VSTi workstation synthesizer providing detailed and highly playable sounds.
1.5GB of sounds include multi-sampled acoustic guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars, cellos and vintage hardware synths. All samples have been hand edited by Manytone with painstaking attention to sonic fidelity, usability and noise levels. Click here for a full listing of the soundsets.
The ManyStation also allows extensive programming and comes with onboard FX (including chorus, distortion, delay and reverb).
The ManyStation costs $99.99 (Now on sale for $59.95). Registered ManyGuitar
and Wusikstation users can purchase ManyStation for $49.95 - regular $79.99 -see below).
The links to download the product will be sent by email within 24 hours of placing your order. (Usually much sooner)
ManyStation workstation crossgrade - ManyGuitar and Wusikstation users
To qualify for the special ManyGuitar or Wusikstation crossgrade price, you should email a copy of your ManyGuitar or Wusikstation order to so that we know you qualify for the special price. You can send this either before or after you place your product order.
The link below is to order ManyStation at the reduced price of $49.95. (WusikStation or ManyGuitar Crossgrade price). The links to download the product will be sent by email within 24 hours of placing your order. (Usually much sooner)
Show me some screen shots!!
ManyStation comes with a number of great skins. Click here to have a look (and you can also check out some other screen shots including the FX units).
So what does it sound like?
Here are a few audio clips to give you an idea of the sort of results you can expect from ManyStation. These were all made using ManyStation (and only ManyStation): there has been no external processing (except a touch of compression/limiting).
What are the minimum specifications for my computer?
You can run ManyStation on lower specified machines, however, we recommend as a minimum:
- your CPU should be SSE enabled
- 256 MB of RAM as the absolute minimum - 512 MB is acceptable and 1 gig is preferred
To read more about the specification requirements, check our frequently asked questions.
ManyStation soundsets
In designing ManyStation the focus has been on detailed and highly playable sounds. Some of the real instrument soundsets include between 20 and 60 multi samples for stunning levels of detail, with special layers (such as slides, string noise and guitar palm mutes).
Manytone went to extremes in developing the ManyStation soundsets: every wave was edited by hand. If you open up any of the waves in a wave editor you will see that the start of the sample begins at zero and all samples fade to zero. This attention to detail ensures that you have the highest quality source material and will not hear any clicks or other unwanted audio artefacts.
Click here to read more about the soundsets.
ManyStation uses the well regarded WusikEngine which allows user to create their own soundsets and to import soundsets in Wusikstation and DashSignature EVE format. Naturally all of the WusikEngine functionality is available in ManyStation.
As well as the soundsets, there are many banks of patches produced by professional sound designers, including Tim Conrardy, ToTc productions, Teksonik, Manytone, and others.
What's next?
So once you've got ManyStation, what can you expect next from Manytone?
Most obviously, there will be more soundsets - lots more.
Volume one: hardware classics - is the first add-on which is bundled for free with ManyStation. We plan to regularly release inexpensive add-ons (the ManyMore series) covering even more real instruments.
The first ManyMore is scheduled to be an acoustic bass, multi-sampled with different microphone and pickup settings.
We also have plans to shortly release some multi-sampled mandolins as a ManyMore.
We have plans for lots of other ManyMores: we will let you have details once our plans are further advanced.
Manytone will also establish a registered users area shortly. Here you will be able to access:
- top quality free ManyMores
- presets (from Manytone), and also
- user soundsets and presets - users will be able to share their soundsets and presets through the Manytone user area.