ManyGuitar soundsets
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ManyGuitar soundsets
In designing ManyGuitar the focus has been on creating detailed and highly playable sounds. Some of the soundsets include over 70 multi-samples for stunning levels of detail, with special layers (such as slides, string noise and guitar palm mutes) in addition. All samples were taken at 24 bit.
Manytone went to extremes in developing the ManyGuitar soundsets: every wave was edited by hand. If you open up any of the waves in a wave editor you will see that the start of the sample begins at zero and all samples fade to zero. This attention to detail ensures that you have the highest quality source material and will not hear any clicks or other unwanted audio artifacts.
All of the soundsets have been recorded in their natural state so it is up to you to add any processing. Manytone could have added some processing at the sampling stage but that would have restricted the flexibility of the soundsets. However, you will hear that many of the patches take advantage of ManyGuitar's amp and FX which you can, of course, edit.
The notes below tell you a bit about the soundsets and how the samples are intended to be used. The patches also give many examples of how you can use these soundsets. However, as always, don't let our suggestions stifle your creativity!
You can, of course, create your own soundsets for ManyGuitar (as you can for ManyStation). A (free) sample mapper is available from Manytone - you can download the sample mapper using the download link that you were sent when you were sent your download link for ManyGuitar.
ManyGuitar comes with over 1.2 gig of soundsets. This includes:
- the original 638 meg of guitars and basses that are included with ManyStation, PLUS
- 645 meg of newly sampled guitar and bass soundsets exclusive to ManyGuitar.
The new soundsets have been marked with an asterisk (ie "*") in the list below. Owners of either ManyStation or ManyGuitar receive special cross-grade prices if they wish to purchase the other instrument.
MT bass guitars - electric
* BassCompSplit | 46 multi-samples | This soundset is taken from the same 2002 Fender Jazz bass guitar as the FJazz bass sets (see below) but is a completely different set of samples from the same recording session. It sounds similar to the Jazz Bass but this set is special in that it is mapped with a slightly muted palm note on the upper octaves and a regular full note on the lower octaves. This allows for some very fast and realistic true staccato style playing where you can vary the same note back and forth by playing the different octaves of the same note. This leads to more realistic bass tracks as you can avoid the machine gun sound on faster parts. |
BassElecFngLng | 33 multi-samples | This soundset was sampled from a beautiful 25 year old Vantage bass guitar that has a brass nut and bridge. This guitar really plays and feels great. The samples were recorded with the strings played with the finger. All major notes were sampled with string noise and slides mapped on the keyboard below the low E. |
BassElecMute | 32 multi-samples | All major notes were sampled with string noise and slides mapped on the keyboard below the low E. |
BassElecSlap | 32 multi-samples | This soundset is a punchy slap bass. All major notes were sampled with string noise and slides mapped on the keyboard below the low E. |
* BassFingerFine | 34 multi-samples | This bass tone is achieved by playing with free strokes rather than the more common rest strokes used in bass playing. This technique gives the notes a sharper, finer tonal quality. The cleaner tone is suitable for Jaco-esque bass lines. |
* BassFingerWarm | 29 multi-samples | In this soundset the strings are plucked directly over the pickups giving a warm timbre. This is the most common plucking position in bass playing and is very versatile for different styles of music. |
FJazzBass Mute | 29 multi-samples | This palm muted bass guitar was sampled from a 2002 Fender Jazz bass. |
FJazzBass Set1 | 29 multi-samples | A great bass sound with nice long samples. Sampled from a 2002 Fender Jazz bass. These JazzBass sets will give your tracks that real punchy bass guitar sound. |
FJazzBass Set2 | 29 multi-samples | This is the same guitar as the above FJazzBass set, but this is a different set of samples made with a different pickup setting on the guitar. Also recorded with string noise and slides mapped in the soundset for added realism. |
FJazzBass Set3 | 11 multi-samples | The same Fender bass guitar with a slightly different sound. Also with string and slide noise mapped in. |
StringNoiseEbass1 | 10 multi-samples | This is a separate string noise set that you can use with other basses you may have which do not have string noise and slides. |
StringNoiseEBass2 | 7 multi-samples | String noise and slides from the Fender Bass. |
MT bass guitars - synth
BassHeavyGtrSyn | 20 multi-samples | A nice heavy and hard style bass. |
BassRockGtrSyn | 8 multi-samples | Same as the above set but different samples with a different sound. |
MT guitars - acoustic
* Gtr12StringMic | 72 multi-samples | A fresh set of strings on this 12 string lends to the fantastic sound. Recorded through a Rode mic and played with a medium pick. This set has 2 layers with a mute layer mapped on the lower velocities and a sustained picked layer on top. This set also features sampled dropped D and dropped C tuning on the low E string. |
* Gtr12StringMicMute | 41 multi-samples | This is the mute layer from the above set mapped to its own set for when you need a full on mute sound. |
* Gtr12StringPU | 33 multi-samples | An old Yamaha 12 string acoustic guitar recorded with a Dean Markley pickup fitted in the sound hole. This set sounds a lot like an electric 12 string. |
GtrAcousticSuziMic | 40 multi-samples | A beautiful acoustic guitar sampled with a Rode microphone. |
GtrAcousticSuziPiezo | 38 multi-samples | The same guitar as above with a piezo pickup instead of a microphone. |
* GtrNylonFinger | 59 multi-samples | This nylon guitar soundset has two layers. At regular velocities, the guitar plays normally. At the top end of the velocity range when you hit the keys harder you get a nice slide into the note. |
GtrSixString | 22 multi-samples | Another nice acoustic steel string guitar. This guitar was hand made in Canada. |
GtrSixStringAmped | 22 multi-samples | Same guitar as above but with some amp simulation for that live "unplugged" type sound. |
GtrStringNoiseAc | 10 multi-samples | Some acoustic noise and slides to add some realism to your guitar tracks. |
MT guitars - electric
GtrFStratCleanNF | 61 multi-samples | This is a very nice clean sampled 1996 Fender USA Stratocaster. This is the neck pickup, finger picked. Every note on the guitar was sampled and meticulously edited to work in ManyGuitar. It also has the string and slide noise from the same session mapped on the keyboard to the left of the low E. This set is sampled clean so that you can apply your own FX and amp simulations etc. |
GtrFStratCleanNP | 61 multi-samples | A completely different set of samples from the same 1996 guitar. This time we recorded them using a pick. Every note on the guitar was sampled. |
GtrFStratCleanNPMute | 38 multi-samples | This soundset plays great and comes from the same recording sessions as the other Strat sets. |
GtrFStratDistAmpBP | 34 multi-samples | This is one fantastic heavy lead guitar soundset. It is the same guitar as the clean Strat but with a biting amp and distortion blended sound. |
GtrFStratPwrChrdBP | 20 multi-samples | Great for when you need some smooth power chords in your track. This set also captures the amp and distortion sound. |
* GtrFunk | 45 multi-samples | This soundset captures a buzzing, muted style of guitar playing. It is suitable for rhythm guitar as well as lead parts. This soundset is very dynamic, featuring two velocity layers. The quiet velocity layer has a tighter muted sound, while the loud velocity layer, although still partly muted, has a longer sustain. |
* GtrLeadGuitar1 | 79 multi-samples | The guitar in this soundset was sampled at the 12th position, which is very common in lead guitar playing. This soundset includes three velocity layers, a normal sustained tone, a bluesy bend, and a hammer-on. |
* GtrLeadGuitar2 | 38 multi-samples | This is a jazzier lead guitar soundset. It has a deep tone suitable for jazz due to the heavy strings used on the guitar. The strings were picked closer to the neck of the guitar, contributing to the depth of the tone. This soundset has two velocity layers, a quiet palm-muted layer, and a normal sustained layer. |
GtrStringNoiseElec | 14 multi-samples | Once again the string and slide noise from the clean Strats in their own soundset so you can use them for effect, or with other guitar sets that may not have this added realism. |
* GtrTele567Chords | 37 multi-samples | GtrTele567Chords is one really cool chord set. It uses three octaves
to spread the major blues/rock style power chords in playable
octaves. The root chord is mapped on the lower octave and the 6th and 7th chords on the following octaves. This allows you to play each note of each octave to sound a chord progression that works for a lot of musical styles. Further, on the upper octave you will find the individual notes. These notes are the notes that a guitarist would throw in between chords when playing the above chord progressions. For example a typical note in the E chord progression that a guitarist would throw in with chords in Blues is a G#. In an A Chord progression the guitarist might use a C#. Those notes and all other important notes for this style are sampled and mapped on the top octave. Another cool feature of this is that you can also add these notes to the original chords to make new chords and sounds. |
* GtrTeleHarmonics | 12 multi-samples | This set has 2 velocities of harmonics from each of the Telecaster's 6 strings. Mapped over the keyboard they provide a nice set of guitar sounds to play with. |
* GtrTeleLayered | 106 multi-samples | An incredible Tele Thinline soundset. 3 Layers including a mute note on the lower velocities, a normal picked note on the middle velocities and an over picked note on the top velocities. |
* GtrTeleChords | 27 multi-samples | Open strummed major chords with one octave mapped to chunk style short chords, one octave mapped with the downstrokes and the last octave mapped with upstrokes. You can also program your own chords using the notes sets. |
MT guitars - synth
CSGuitar | 9 multi-samples | A nice plucked string chorus synth type guitar sound. These guitar synth sets are great on their own or layered with some of the other guitars for those "new world guitar" sounds. |
MTDistSynGtr | 9 multi-samples | A distorted and dirty style guitar synth soundset. |
MTPluck01 | 11 multi-samples | Another nice clean plucked guitar type sound. Great on its own or for layering. |
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