
The ManyGuitar sound library includes a wide range of guitars and basses. Each instrument has been extensively multi sampled, often at several velocities and with a mute layer included. In addition to the single note samples, there are some chord sets and also some great new lead guitar styles. Click here for a full listing of the soundsets.
This extensive sound library has then been coupled with a highly efficient sample playback engine with a custom amplifier and speaker cabinet emulator and an FX rack. Click here to read more about the amp, speakers and FX.
For the musician, the detailed guitar library coupled with the high quality but CPU friendly engine which has been specifically designed for processing guitar samples makes ManyGuitar a very unique instrument.
ManyGuitar Purchase
ManyGuitar is available now in PC VSTi format and Mac AU and VSTi formats (Universal Binary) for $99.99 (On sale now for $79.95).
The links to download the product will be sent by email within 24 hours of placing your order.
ManyGuitar crossgrade - For Previous ManyTone Customers
The link below is to order ManyGuitar at the reduced price of $69.95. (For owners of any of our other products, we are offering this special crossgrade price. You just need to own one of our products to use this link.) The links to download the product will be sent by email within 24 hours of placing your order.
The amp, speakers and FX
The ManyGuitar engine has a custom amplifier and speaker cabinet emulator and an FX rack designed exclusively for ManyGuitar. This set up allows the musician to take the Manytone guitar and bass samples to new levels of reality.
The amplifier has three modes
- tube
- deep (which is suitable for bass and other low toned guitars), and
- high gain
The amp also has a four band EQ unit.
The speaker cabinet emulator gives eight speaker options (in addition to bypass):
- closed 4 x 12"
- open 2 x 12"
- closed 12"
- closed 10"
- closed 8"
- closed 4"
- closed 2"
- closed 15" (bass)
The FX rack gives six FX units:
- mono phaser
- stereo phaser
- stereo chorus
- quad chorus
- echo (three varieties - warm, crush and light)
- tremolo
There is also an FX wizard to help quickly set up your FX settings.
So how are ManyGuitar and ManyStation different? Do I need both?
Let's answer the second question first. Yes - you should have both, since they do different things.
ManyGuitar is intended to create guitar and bass sounds. It can load other soundsets and create interesting and compelling sounds, but its forte is guitar sounds. ManyStation on the other hand is a sample based synthesizer which is capable of creating far more complex sounds than ManyGuitar. You can create many of the ManyGuitar sounds in ManyStation, but on the whole, you are likely to find:
- ManyGuitar has a lot more content (both in terms of guitar and bass soundsets and presets) and so will probably be better when you want to create a guitar or bass sound
- ManyGuitar has a dedicated amp and speaker simulator, and
- ManyGuitar is faster to use - ManyGuitar has been designed with a specific purpose in mind and so you will be able to get the right guitar sound you are after more swiftly than you can in ManyStation).
On the other hand, ManyStation is great for layering up sounds and wave-sequencing etc. The two products are different, so you really owe it to yourself to own both!!
Its all about the tone
Here are a few audio clips to give you an idea of the sort of sounds you can expect from ManyGuitar. These were all made using ManyGuitar: there has been no external processing (except a touch of compression/limiting).
ManyGuitar - a mix of some ideas
ManyGuitar - also available in blue
And two examples of ManyGuitar used in a track
54 shred jam This track uses ManyGuitar and JamStix only.
ManyGuitar soundsets
In designing ManyGuitar the focus has been on detailed and highly playable sounds - this is the same for all Manytone instruments. Some of the soundsets include over 70 multi-samples for stunning levels of detail, with special layers (such as slides, string noise and guitar palm mutes).
ManyGuitar will also load soundsets in both Wusik wusikSND and Dash Signature dashSND format. This means that as well as the libraries that are already available for WusikStation from Wusik and EVE from Dash Signature, all of the existing ManyStation soundsets (including all the add-ons for ManyStation such as Ultimate Bass Kit) can be loaded into ManyGuitar to take advantage of the amplifier/cabinet treatments as well as the well stocked FX rack. Of course, the ManyGuitar soundsets can be loaded into ManyStation.
Click here to read more about the soundsets.
As well as the soundsets, there are many patches produced by professional sound designers, including Tim Conrardy, ToTc productions, Greg Schlaepfer, rsmus7, Manytone, and others.
What are the minimum specifications for my computer?
You can run ManyGuitar on lower specified machines, however, we recommend as a minimum:
- your CPU should be SSE enabled
- 256 MB of RAM as the absolute minimum - 512 MB is acceptable and 1 gig is preferred