HOME PAGE DEAL (New Year Limited Time Offer)Available now

You have found the HOME PAGE DEAL. Get 50% off any of our products for a limited time. Poke around the website to see our products. Once you decide what you want, send an email to: homepagedeal@manytone.com. Let us know the items you desire. We'll email you back a special secure paypal purchase link to buy those items at 50% off the regular prices. Email us today to take advantage of this special Home Page Deal!

Welcome to ManyTone.com

Thanks for visiting us! ManyTone Music are known for their Virtual Instrument plugins and Sample packs for Windows and Mac.

Please take a look around the website using the links on the left. You can view the various products and listen to demo tracks made with the instruments. We also have a Demo version of ManyBass available to try on your PC or Mac. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products.

ManyTone Swag - Guitar Pick Set Now Available

We have just released a set of 5 custom ManyTone Guitar Picks. The picks can be purchased in the new "Swag" category on the main menu.

Click here for more info

Manytone Fretless Bass released

The Manytone Fretless Bass, an extensive sample library has now been released.

Click here for more info

Kontakt versions
The Manytone Upright Bass and Manytone Acoustic Electric Bass have been released for Kontakt 2-3.

Click here for more information about the Manytone Upright Bass.
Click here for more information about the Manytone Acoustic Electric Bass.

Click here for more information about these Kontakt versions.